Sunday, July 20, 2008

Well, I survived my one night of girl's camp. It was cold and rainy, just like the rest of the week. The sun did come out as we were leaving, though. Unfortunately, I was unable to get the ice cream cone. As I drove in to where I get it, I saw 2 or 3 tour buses, and the tourists were lined up out the door and accross the parking lot. I quickly decided that the ice cream would have to wait until another day as I was not willing to wait THAT long! I can always drive up and get it another day. And don't think I won't! However, I do have a picture of this ice cream cone, but it's from last year and it's with my nephew, Blaine instead of me. Girl's camp was a lot of fun, though. We sang songs, ate food, did skits, and the girls received their certification. When I arrived, one of my Beehives ran up and gave me a great big hug. When she asked what I was doing there, I found myself saying "Because I wanted to see you guys. I've missed you this week!" The smile on her face was AWESOME!!! And the thing that shocked me was that I meant what I said! I really did miss them this week! So it was a lot of fun to hang out with them at camp. They were very excited to show me their cabin. There were 5 young women in this cabin, and let me tell STUNK!!! After swimming in a slimy, leech-infested lake all week, they really got to be pretty rank! But they had a lot of fun, and I'm really glad that I was able to share part of their week with them. When I got home, the sun was out. So, of course, I took my dining room chair, stuck it out in the middle of my yard, and read a book. When I got tired of the book, I stretched out and closed my eyes. After a week of rain, highs in the low to mid 50's, and lows in the high 40's, I just needed to bask in the heat. It was great!!! I've also just discovered exactly how many mosquito bites I've received this weekend. It take me back to the times that we went to Alturus (sp?) Lake in Idaho when I was younger. When we got back, we all counted our mosquito bites to see who had the most. All I remember is that we always counted more than 20 of them. Good times! Good times! Anyway, I hope everyone had a great weekend and you were all able to get out and enjoy your weather. I know everyone outside of Alaska had hot temperatures and sun! All I can say is enjoy it!!!

1 comment:

Meg said...

You are just making me miss AK more than ever. It has been so hot down here. I wish I could still consider 70's hot. Right now I wish it were that cool in the house.