Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Let it be known that today, the first day of July in the year two thousand and eight was the first full day of sun all summer long. It was the first day that I was able to go for a bike ride without a jacket AND wearing my biking shorts. You know...the ones that have a padded seat to protect certain parts of your (what my brother Connin calls) "Nether-regions". Anyway, tonight was a combined YM/YW activity and the Beehives were informed that they were in charge 2 weeks ago. It just so happens that this was a rather large activity...meaning more planning than usual. We had a bike ride and a BBQ. Next time, I'm going to vote for bike ride and ice cream. Not that I don't like BBQ's, because I do. But arrangements have to be made for a grill to be transported to the park, food to be transported, and cooked. Then everything needs to be transported back. Not that it's a problem, per se, but it's a lot of planning and most people want to ride their bikes. Thankfully, the YM's Pres had a brother visiting, so he was able to drive the car that had the grill. Anyway, back to the relevant part of my story. The weather the past couple of weeks has been (if you will excuse the expression) CRAPPY!!!! I've already mentioned the coolish temperatures that are killing my cucumbers and making the rest of my garden slow to grow. Anyway, today the heavens were smiling upon us. It was BEAUTIFUL and by far the hottest day so far this summer. It actually got up to 68!!! Anyway, I was able to ride my bike to the church, then we rode as a group to a park and had a BBQ, played Wiffle Ball, and then rode back to the church. I talked a YW who lives down the street from me into riding back home with me. (I don't have a way to get my bike anywhere unless I ride it). So she agreed and we took the bike trail home. Along the way we happened to run into a Mama moose and her 2 babies. They were new borns and were sooooooo cute! We sat there watching them for a minute or two to see what they were going to do. Along came some other bikers from the other way and almost ran into them...literally. So they started to walk our way, and we went off trail, into the brush, down a dirt path, and finally back onto the bike trail. It was sooooooooooo AWESOME! The new babies are so cute and look so cuddly. They look gangley and clumsy, but they are sooooo cute! Those of you who have seen them understand. Of course, I didn't have my camera because I'm an idiot, so I don't have pictures to post. Sorry! Regardless of my lack of camera, it was an awesome evening, and I am truly grateful. I was dreading this activity, but it turned out GREAT!!! I told Maisi...the girl who rode home with me...that next time there's a day like this, we'll have to ride down the Westchester Lagoon or even Point Woronzof. Some day, I'll even make it out to Kincaid again (30+ miles). Until them, I am grateful that I am able to go as far as I can. Well, thanks to all who read my blog and thanks to those who comment. It's nice to hear from you. It's almost 10:30, so it is time to go to bed. I will let you know of any more adventures. I'm going hiking on the 4th with a couple friends, and it's supposed to be raining all day. I'm sure I'll have something to tell about, and who knows...I might even remember my camera! Good night!

1 comment:

Sierra said...

That would have been awesome to see those moose, but I think I would have peed my pants. As for it reaching 68, good for you. I think we hit 86 yesterday, IN THE HOUSE!!!!! (I finally turned on the AC.) Our cucs seem to be doing alright, it is our beans that I pitty.